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E.P.N (Ek Pranta Nagar) Home


Created in



With a capacity of

27 girls and 20 boys

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8 staffs

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EPN Home is for Girls and Boys, specially for primary level destitute children. The age group is from 6 years to 10 years old. At present there are 18 boys and 16 girls. Capacity is for 27 boys and 20 girls. All children are studying in our inhouse school namely, ‘Duilya Ekprantanagar Adarsha Vidyalaya’. Among them few children attend our Non formal school. 1 adult inmate also resides in this Home. The Home has 6 staff comprising of 1 Incharge, 1 caregiver, 2 cooks and 2 dadas (caregiver).


The Non formal school is for children who are late learners. These children are given individual attention and with lot of effort by the teachers, some of them are taken into mainstream school.


Apart from the studies, the children also learn extra curricular activities like, Singing, Dancing, Drawing, etc. They also take part in competitions with other schools and organisations.


After successful completion of Class IV in EPN inhouse school, the children are transferred to our other Homes in Class V. For Hindi medium the children are transferred to Baksara Home. For Bengali medium they are transfered to Lalkuthi or Ashaneer Homes.

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