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Baksara Home


Created in



With a capacity of

37 girls and 53 boys

Staff M F_edited.jpg


6 staffs


Baksara Home, located in Howrah in Baksara village, welcomes boys and girls from 10 to 18. The children are destitute and some have minor disabilities. The specificity of the Baksara Hostel is that it welcomes children who speak and study Hindi rather than Bengali.  Children from class V to VII go to our HSP Baksara school, located in the same precinct. The children from class IX and X go to outside public Hindi schools.

Baksara hostel has two precincts facing each other. One is hosting a tall building for the girls with the dining hall on the ground floor and two floors with rooms for the girls. The other has two low buildings where the boys have their rooms. has two buildings. The girls building shares the same courtyard as the school and the boys also come there to play football. The boys' building has a garden but too small for any play. During break time, boys and girls take turns in the courtyard to play.

The courtyard has some trees and a space dedicated to cooking: every sunday dried wood and leaves from the home is used to cook lunch.

During the week, the children take part in different activities and chores. They are very autonomous and help with cooking, cleaning their rooms and the common areas. During breaks they enjoy outdoor games like Kho Kho, Pictu and football. A volunteer often stays at Baksara and suggests craft activities. There is study time every week day and other activities during the week-end like dance and drawing lessons.

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