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Support us > As a donor

I give

4500 INR ≈ 50 € *

I provide basic school supplies such as notebooks, pencils... for a class of 50 children.


9000 INR ≈ 100 € *

I provide meals for 15 days to a home of 30 children.


3600 INR ≈
40 € / month *

Cost for one child for one year time: food, housing, education...


7200 INR ≈ 
80 € / month *

Cost for an  handicapped child for one year : food, housing, care...

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2.7 Lakh INR ≈ 3000 € *

participate to the renovation of a Home for 30 children.

Our sponsorship is not child specific. As the logistic proved very time consuming for our staff, we decided to let them focus on our most important mission: children welfare! This is why when you sponsor a child with HSP you sponsor every child of the association, allowing all of them to feel the care and the special link from our donors.

It is when visiting their houses in the slums or tea gardens that you can realise how important it is to welcome them in a safe, peaceful and healthy environment such as HSP Homes and give them a chance to grow with loving care from the didis and dadas and receive an proper education. 

* Vous êtes français: vous payez des impôts, vous pouvez déduire 66% de vos dons à hauteur de 20% du revenu imposable. Un don de 100€ ne vous coûte donc réellement que 34€ après déduction fiscale. Avec le prélèvement à la source, vous continuez de bénéficier de déduction fiscale sur votre impôt sur le revenu mais dans des modalités et temporalités différentes.


* You are a European citizen: If you pay tax in a European country, you are eligible to deducting your donation thanks to the TGE network. You need then to make your donation to the local TGE agency who will send it to our organization. You will receive a tax receipt. 

* You are Indian: All donation to HSP are 50% Tax exempted under section 80G of  Income Tax Act, 1961.

You give from France


Action et Partage avec Calcutta

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Missions Etrangères de Paris

Howrah South Point est représenté en Franc, depuis sa création en 1976, par Action et Partage avec Calcutta (APC). Pour chaque donation, nous vous demandons de fournir votre mail afin de recevoir votre reçu fiscal. Vous pouvez également préciser quel projet en particulier vous souhaitez soutenir.

• Par carte - Le lien HelloAsso est disponible juste en dessous

• Par chèque - à l'adresse de APC, 16 bis, rue de la Garenne – 92310 SÈVRES – FRANCE


• Par virement bancaire

– IBAN : FR76 3000 4003 6400 0020 7046 914


Vous pouvez également donner par les MEP (Mission Etrangères de Paris) en spécifiant "pour la mission du Père Laurent Bissara"


• Par chèque –à l'adresse des MEP, 128 rue du bac – 75007 PARIS – FRANCE

You give from Switzerland

You may donate through the association Les Amis de Calcutta, which was founded by a Mr Pierre Joseph, a friend of Father Laborde and now chaired by Father Paulino Gonzalez. This association represents HSP in Switzerland.

For each donation, please provide your email, your address and the project that you want to support (optionnal) in order to edit and send your fiscal receipt. If it is made by bank transfer, send a mail to wih this informations. 


  • By cheque – payable to Les Amis de Calcutta, Rue de la Flamme 13 A 2108 Couvet

  • By bank transfer to this IBAN : CH11 0900 0000 2000 1821 6


You give from India

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You can make a donation by Bank Transfer to HOWRAH SOUTH POINT (LOCAL COLL)


– Account No: 488709952

– IFSC Code: IDIB000H012

– Branch: Howrah (413)

...Or, you can make a donation by Cheque to HOWRAH SOUTH POINT (LOCAL COLL)


For both Cheque and Bank Transfer, do not forget to fill the Donation Form, we will send your donation receipt through email or you can collect it at Howrah South Point.

All donation to HSP are 50% Tax exempted under section 80G of  Income Tax Act, 1961.

For any queries, do not hesitate to contact us at 

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