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Our projects > Covid Crisis

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In any crisis, the first to suffer and those who will suffer the most are the poor. We organise emergency relief.

Preparation and planning

Preparation & Planning
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In Howrah, since the lockdown, purchasing has been quite challenging as logistics together with prices have been affected.


A team of HSP social workers have been packing according to our distribution plan in our central location of Ashaneer, Howrah. More than 20 tonnes of food have been packed so far.

Area served

Area served
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Emergency relief distribution

Emergency relief distribution
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Coal Depo

500 families

Coal Depo is a slum that is served by our SMCS Programme (Safe Motherhood and Child Survival) since 1978. In this area and the other served by this programme, more than 500 families are helped by our Emergency Relief programme.

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22 families

Chandmari is a slum with very difficult access, especially during the monsoon. Over there, many families are in great distress.

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100 families

Moukhali is a slum with very active people who have started to help. They asked us to provide Emergency relief and tarpaulin. We also have been visiting the house where we found some handicapped people than needed some special help.

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30 families

Ankurhati is a slum where many of our Home children live. We are also running a non formal school. Many of our beneficiaries and many other families have suffered both from the lockdown and the super cyclone.

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Shikarpur (Jalpaiguri)

70 families

Shikarpur is a tea garden area where we have started a non formal school for the children of the very poor families of the tea garden workers. They are very much affected by the lockdown situation.

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Old age scheme

200 old persons

Since 1978, we run a special help for 200 old people. They are now even more in need of food relief with the current situation.

This is just an overview of some of the help we are currently distributing all over Howrah and Calcutta. Today more than 1000 beneficiaries have already received Emergency relief, and Emergency relief kits are being distributed to 2000 more families.

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