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Providing healthcare is a way to give hope to the poorest and prevent them from falling into even greatest poverty 

Safe Motherhood Child Surveillance

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SMCS Lalkuthi

Founded in 1978

150 mothers

2 staff

Safe Motherhood and Child Surveillance (SMCS) programme was established in 1978. The purpose is to give awareness and food help, monitoring pregnancy and the weight of the child for three years after birth. In the slum of Lalkuthi area, our staff is monitoring the pregnancy of the mother and the weight increase of the child for the first three years, together with providing awareness on health and nutrition.

SMCS Coal Depot

Founded in 1978

200 mothers

3 staff

Safe Motherhood and Child Surveillance (SMCS) programme was established in 1978. The purpose is to give awareness and food help, monitoring pregnancy and the weight of the child for three years after birth. The slum of Coal Depo is situated under the new bridge of Howrah, in the middle of railways facilities. Some people are daily wagers working there. The mothers are getting our help for monitoring health and growth of the baby during pregnancy and for three years after the birth of their child.

SMCS Keto Pool

Founded in 1978

150 mothers

2 staff

Safe Motherhood and Child Surveillance (SMCS) programme was established in 1978. The purpose is to give awareness and food help, monitoring pregnancy and the weight of the child for three years after birth. In the slum of Keto Pool area, our staff is following this governmental programme and monitoring pregnant mothers or the child during the first three years of his life. It comes with providing also good food and awareness of health and nutrition.

Special help for elderly

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Special help for elderly 

Founded in 1980

200 people

1 staff

Elderly people in their last spell of life need social and economic security, as they often live alone and are neglected by their relatives. Old age is associated with other forms of insecurities owing to a lack of concern and support. Each month HSP provides a monetary help to beneficiaries. These include mentally and physically challenged, visually impaired and elderly widows.

Outdoor Physiotherapy

Physio outdoor
Rajganj outdoor

Founded in 1999

52 children

3 staff

Outreach programmes are conducted through outdoor physiotherapy for children with disabilities from the localities neighboring the outdoor post. Mother and child come regularly for physiotherapy sessions.

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Lalkuthi outdoor

Founded in 1994

20 children

2 staff

Outreach programmes are conducted through outdoor physiotherapy for children with disabilities from the localities neighboring the outdoor post. Mother and child come regularly for physiotherapy sessions.

Binnaguri outdoor

Founded in 1999

39 children

1 staff

Outreach programmes are conducted through outdoor physiotherapy for children with disabilities from the localities neighboring the outdoor post. Mother and child come regularly for physiotherapy sessions.

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Ashaneer outdoor

Founded in 2007

80 children

3 staff

Outreach programmes are conducted through outdoor physiotherapy for children with disabilities from the localities neighboring the outdoor post. Mother and child come regularly for physiotherapy sessions.

Pushpa Home

Pushpa Home

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Pushpa Home TB Ward

Founded in 2007

Stopped in 2022

50 children

18 staff

Pushpa TB Children Ward started in 2007 and treats, often for long periods, children affected by TB. A local school with dedicated teachers provides education during the months of treatment. They can also enjoy a garden with some playing facilities.

Mobile Dispensaries

Mobile dispensaries
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Mobile Dispensary Ch.

Founded in 1998

Stopped in 2022

7871 patients

10 staff

Area: Chengail. Mobile dispensary programme started in 1998 to reach the poorest of the poor in remote rural areas around Calcutta. The dispensaries provide basic health services such as doctor check up, diagnostic, providing medicines, hospitalization, home visit, guidance about family planning and advocacy.

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Mobile Dispensary Bo.

Founded in 1998

Stopped in 2022

4672 patients

10 staff

Area: Bojerhat. Mobile dispensary programme started in 1998 to reach the poorest of the poor in remote rural areas around Calcutta. The dispensaries provide basic health services such as doctor check up, diagnostic, providing medicines, hospitalization, home visit, guidance about family planning and advocacy.
Mobile Dispensary Sa.

Founded in 1998

Stopped in 2022

12151 patients

12 staff

Area: Santoshpur. Mobile dispensary programme started in 1998 to reach the poorest of the poor in remote rural areas around Calcutta. The dispensaries provide basic health services such as doctor check up, diagnostic, providing medicines, hospitalization, home visit, guidance about family planning and advocacy.

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Mobile Dispensary Fr.

Founded in 1998

Stopped in 2022

10090 patients

11 staff

Area: Foreshore Road. Mobile dispensary programme started in 1998 to reach the poorest of the poor in remote rural areas around Calcutta. The dispensaries provide basic health services such as doctor check up, diagnostic, providing medicines, hospitalization, home visit, guidance about family planning and advocacy.


Primary Health Care

PHC Chengail

Founded in 2016

Stopped in 2022

2418 households

4 staff

Location: Chengail. Primary Health Care is a Preventive Medicare program for Vulnerable Women & Children. A contribution to improve living conditions, social status of vulnerable women and children in the project region. This is a participatory program where women will play a leading role through an effective process of empowerment.

PHC Bojerhat

Founded in 2016

Stopped in 2022

2729 households

5 staff

Location: Bojerhat. Primary Health Care is a Preventive Medicare program for Vulnerable Women & Children. A contribution to improve living conditions, social status of vulnerable women and children in the project region. This is a participatory program where women will play a leading role through an effective process of Location: Chengail. empowerment.

PHC Santoshpur

Founded in 2016

Stopped in 2022

3628 households

5 staff

Location: Santoshpur. Primary Health Care is a Preventive Medicare program for Vulnerable Women & Children. A contribution to improve living conditions, social status of vulnerable women and children in the project region. This is a participatory program where women will play a leading role through an effective process of empowerment.

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