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End of year Celebration

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

As all the children were leaving this weekend for a 2 weeks holiday, we decided to celebrate the end of the 2021 year a little bit earlier, on Friday 17th of December, in Ashaneer Home. For the event, all Howrah Homes were present as well as Pushpa Home and all the staff from the Homes and the office. We were around 200 people.

We had a 2 hours show done by the children of the different Homes. We had several dances, one theater play and one mime play. The energy given by the children for these shows was incredible. All HSP members were really impressed. After the show, we had lunch all together in Ashaneer Garden. The children then played together in the garden for the afternoon. They received gifts from donors.

We were very happy to be able to gather and appreciate these important moments. The kids were joyful and you could see a lot of happiness on their face.

You can appreciate this day and this happiness on the pictures.

Thank you all for your support.

HSP Family

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